3D Mammography

Why 3D?

As the name implies, 3D mammography provides three-dimensional images of the breast. These pictures are sharper and much more precise than standard 2-dimensional imaging. Sharper imaging saves lives, through earlier detection, at a time when cancer is most successfully treated. Our community has affirmed the need – funding for this groundbreaking, life-saving technology was provided entirely by gifts from our donors.

Dense breasts? No worries. 3D imaging offers clear images even in women with dense breast tissue, which sometimes renders regular mammography ineffective.

Along with improved imaging, 3D mammography is achieved using the same X-ray dose and level of comfort as before. Our 3D mammography system delivers the lowest patient dose of all FDA approved systems.

3D imaging can tell more precisely the difference between cancer and harmless growths in the breast. 3D detects 41 percent* more cancers and reduces the number of false-positive results given to patients. In most non-cancer cases 3D mammography by itself can ensure you are cancer-free, ruling out the need for biopsy.

3D mammography can pinpoint cancer at much earlier stages, greatly increasing the likelihood of successful treatment and cure. 3D imaging offers clear images even in women with dense breast tissue, which sometimes renders regular mammography ineffective.

Medicare covers the cost of your 3D mammogram. Other insurance providers may or may not fully cover your 3D mammogram. As with any diagnostic or screening exam, you may incur either or both a facility fee (for the mammography exam) and/or a professional reading fee (from the radiologist who interprets your images). You should check with your insurance carrier regarding coverage and/or co-pays that may be required for 3D mammography

(207) 907-1000