Building Stronger Relationships at the Holidays


The holidays can be a stressful time. Family members can often feel forgotten during this time. Here are some tips to help ensure that your relationships continue to stay strong and connected during the holidays.

  • Dine together. Try to sit down for at least one meal a day together and spend this time checking in, sharing each person’s day, discussing current events, and making plans together. This helps everyone feel connected and involved in the upcoming holidays.
  • Be present. Remember, presents are great, but they aren’t the only way to show your family they are loved and appreciated. Make time to play and to BE present, rather than give presents. Your time and attention is the best gift of all.
  • Create a tradition together. Creating a tradition can be as simple as going out to cut down the tree together, decorating cookies, making handmade gifts, or just watching a holiday movie together.
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