Spring is Coming


It’s exciting to see the snow begin to melt away, and the sun stay out just a little longer. The long-awaited spring is right around the corner! Not only do the flowers and animals benefit, but we do too! Here are some known mental health benefits to the welcoming of the spring season.

  • As you know, humans are programmed to be sleeping during the dark, and awake and lively during the daytime hours. With the waning of the winter season, and the increase in sunshine, we will naturally start to feel more energized because of having more exposure to the sun.
  • Speaking of sun, as the weather warms up, we get to peel the layers of winter clothes, and expose our skin to the natural benefits of Vitamin D. For many, that may mean less achiness, improved clarity and mood.
  • Also, with spring comes more daylight hours. With the increase in warmth and light, we are more apt to go and be active outside. Whether walking, hiking, bike riding or going to the park, being outside with others increases the probability that we will be social, which can reduce our feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Whether you have a green thumb or not, chances are you may be spending some time cleaning up the yard, picking up branches, pulling weeds and possibly planting flowers. Connecting to the earth and nature can help reduce blood pressure and enhance brain activity, which contribute to a sense of overall well-being.

Living in Maine, we know how much seasons can impact our health and well-being. Spring is a time of renewal – to watch nature and people spring up after a long winter season. We encourage you to get active, get outside, and connect with nature and people that help boost your sense of well-being.

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