Seven Tips for Dealing With the End of Summer Blues


Source: Psych Company

It’s been exciting taking advantage of the beautiful summer here in Maine. To be able to get out, be active, and take in the fresh air. As you know, summers are short and winters are long here. While it can be sad to see the summer come to a close, we can take steps to welcome the Fall and all the good things that are to come our way.

Vitamin D
My doctor once told me that they don’t bother doing vitamin D tests as it is assumed that the vast majority of people in the northeast don’t get enough vitamin D. Get yourself a vitamin D supplement or try using a sun lamp. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is correlated with the end of summer blues and taking vitamin D can improve symptoms of depression.

Plan a vacation
Plan a winter getaway to look forward to. Few things are as satisfying and bring a sense of gratitude and appreciation as leaving our parkas, hats, mitts and gloves and -25 degree weather to strip down to bathing suits, shorts, summer dresses and +25-degree weather.

Re-evaluate your goals
Season changes are a great time to do a check-in and reflect on your goals. What would you really love to make happen this fall and winter? Would you like to have more work-life balance, get better grades, a promotion? What matters most to you? Check out our tips on advanced goalsetting to learn more.

Get excited about it
There are a lot of great things about winter: hot chocolate, hot baths, sweaters, cozy blankets, the warmth of cuddles, not worrying about your weight, not shaving your legs, movies and TV marathons, at-home get-togethers, comfy boots, warm cups of tea, candles, fires, sleep more, your most stylish coats, slowing down, do less, rest more and read more.

Indulge in self-care
The fall and the winter are made for self-care. Indulge! Spoil yourself and enjoy it. You deserve to take care of yourself. See our self-care list for ideas. One area of self-care often neglected is self-improvement. Take an online course, download a book or write that LinkedIn article. If you happen to suffer from anxiety or depression, self-care is even more important during seasonal changes.

Turn your home into a sanctuary 
Clean out clutter, organize, beautify and make your place into a place that you love to be at. Re-arrange what you have, buy some new things and make it the comfiest, cozy and peaceful space it can be. A place to rest, relax and recharge. Paint an accent wall. Try some aromatherapy.

Get help and see a professional 
If the end of summer blues are too much for you or you struggle to feel better. Don’t hesitate to reach out and get help and a fresh perspective.

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