St. Joseph Workwell

St. Joseph Workwell employee health program takes a holistic approach to employee health. We offer education, training and support, giving your employees the tools, they need to be happy, healthy and productive. We do this through a four-step approach:

  • Review of preventive health benefits available in employer’s insurance plan
  • Employee education discussions and events regarding their wellness benefits
  • Health risk appraisal education and services
  • Safety and prevention strategies
  • Worksite needs analysis
  • Scheduling of physicals, drug screens and other required pre-hire services
  • Cost-effective, efficient providers ensure timely treatment
  • Providers understand the importance of completing timely return-to-work paperwork
  • Ongoing communication regarding appointments, tests ordered, etc., to keep employers informed about the status of an injured employee
  • Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • One number for scheduling and coordinating all employee health services
  • Data management, reporting and trending
  • Provides Return-to-work forms
  • Reduced opportunity for workers’ compensation abuse and fraud
  • Ongoing communication among all parties involved

Ask Us How We Can Help With Your Business’s Occupational Health Needs at 207.907.3010 or email us at

(207) 907-1000