CT Scan

Computed Tomography, or a CT scan, is a non-invasive diagnostic test that can be used to visualize nearly all parts of the body. At St. Joseph Hospital, we use CT scans to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan medical or surgical treatment. These images provide more detailed information than plain X-rays by utilizing computer processing to create cross-sectional images.

Our CT Department is accredited by the American College of Radiology. They award accreditation to facilities that have proven high quality work. Our accreditation helps assure our patients that we provide the highest level of image quality and safety by meeting requirements for equipment, medical personnel and quality assurance.

Radiation Exposure

CT scans utilize ionizing radiation. Our radiologists use the lowest dose of radiation possible to obtain the medical information needed. Additionally, our scanner delivers enhanced CT image quality with up to 40% less radiation exposure to our patients.
Tell your doctor if you’re pregnant. Another type of exam such as ultrasound or MRI may be recommended as a more appropriate option for you and your baby.

What to Expect

You may be asked to:

  • Adjust or remove clothing with zippers, buttons, snaps or metal details
  • Remove jewelry, dentures, hearing aids and eyeglasses
  • Refrain from eating for a few hours before your CT scan

Contrast material may be used for your exam.

If your abdomen or pelvis is being scanned, you may need to drink contrast prior to your CT scan. Our oral contrast is water-based, colorless, odorless and tasteless just like drinking water.

Injected through an IV started by your CT technologist, this contrast highlights your organs, tissues, urinary tract and blood vessels. During the injection, you may experience a metallic taste in your mouth or a warm sensation all over your body.

Although rare, contrast material can cause an allergic reaction. Inform your doctor and CT technologist if you’ve ever had an allergic to iodine, IV contrast or X-ray dye.

After your CT scan.

You can return to your normal routine. If you were given contrast material, you may be given additional instructions. It’s recommended to drink plenty of fluids after your CT scan to help your kidneys remove the contrast material from your body.
A radiologist will interpret your CT scan and generate a report for your doctor. Your CT scan report will also be available in your MyChart patient portal.

Lung Cancer Screening

The St. Joseph Healthcare Cancer Center utilizes CT scan technology to screen for lung cancer. Learn More.

Department Information

CT scans require an order from your doctor and a scheduled appointment.
Appointments can be made by calling Appointment Central at (207) 907-1688

Outpatient Appointments are available Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon.

To meet the needs of our Inpatient and Emergency Department patients, the CT Scan Department is staffed 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

(207) 907-1000