The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment (MSCHNA) is using data to inform decision-making to help reach its goal of Maine becoming the healthiest state in the United States. The MSCHNA is a dynamic public-private partnership that:
The MSCHNA began as the OneMaine Health Collaborative in 2007 as a partnership between MaineGeneral Health (MGH), MaineHealth (MH), and Northern Light Health (NLH-then known as Eastern Maine Healthcare System, or EMHS). After conversations with the Statewide Coordinating Council for Public Health, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) joined the collaborative in 2012. The effort was then named the Maine Shared Health Needs Assessment and Planning Process (SHNAPP). Central Maine Healthcare (CMHC) joined the group in 2013. In 2014, CMHC, Maine CDC, MGH, MH and NLH signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding and drafted the Maine Shared CHNA Charter (PDF) to guide the collaborative. In 2017, the name was changed to the Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment or Maine Shared CHNA. The Memorandum of Understanding was updated in 2019. To view the 2022 Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment Report click here.
To learn more, review research and data, and find resources, visit: About Maine CHNA | Public Health Data | Maine CDC