When I Say Maine, You Say Maple Syrup


Maine has many seasons and one of them is maple syrup season. Each spring, sap from maple trees flows between February and April, and trees are tapped to collect the sap which is then processed into syrup and other maple products. Trees produce sap in the late winter to early spring when the temperatures are above freezing during the day and drop below freezing at night.

Spring is a great time to support Maine communities and farms who are producing Maine Maple Syrup. Each year, on the fourth Sunday of March, we celebrate Maine Maple Sunday. Sugarhouses throughout the state offer events on both Saturday and Sunday. Many of the sugarhouses offer maple syrup samples and demonstrations on how pure Maine maple syrup is made. They also offer fun activities, fames, treats and music.

Spending time in Maine, you learn that maple syrup can be used in many different ways. In fact, an insider tip for baking is to use 3/4 cup of maple syrup as a substitute for granulated sugar, also known as all-purpose white sugar.

Here are some of the other Maine made maple syrup products:

  • Maple butter
  • Maple sweetened soda, tea or lemonade
  • Maple sugar
  • Maple taffy, hard candy, or soft candies shaped like maple leaves
  • Maple barbecue sauce
  • Maple cookies, donuts, fudge and other goodies
  • Maple syrup soap, chapstick and other body products
  • Maple ice cream or custard topped with a maple caramel sauce
  • Maple jelly or mustard
  • Maple popcorn
  • Maple coated almonds

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