Her Legacy Lives On

Cornerstone Cornerstone News

In a heartwarming tribute to a beloved member of our community, St. Joseph Healthcare has announced its orthopedic center will be named in memory of Cathy Gero. This is thanks to a generous $2 million donation from her husband, Jim Gero.

“Cathy was a lovely person and an engaged community member,” shares Mary Prybylo, president of St. Joe’s. “We are grateful her legacy will live on and help ensure
St. Joseph Healthcare continues to provide best-in-class orthopedic care close to home for our neighbors.”

Jim’s substantial contribution honors his late wife Cathy’s passion for the community and unwavering commitment to helping others. “St. Joseph Healthcare meant a great
deal to Cathy,” shares Jim. “She valued the organization’s dedication to caring for their neighbors and providing a great patient experience. Cathy was the kind of person who
ended each day asking, ‘What have I done for others today?’ She believed in striving to make a difference. This contribution in Cathy’s honor and memory will enable St. Joe’s
to continue to make a positive difference in our community for years to come.”

The Cathy Gero Orthopedic Center used the donation to purchase an Orthopedic Robotic Surgical Assistant. In a surprise announcement at an event celebrating Cathy
and the donation, the robot was dubbed “Jimmy the Zimmy,” which Jim sincerely appreciated. This cutting-edge navigation system assists surgeons in planning,
personalizing and performing joint replacements with precision and consistency, promising excellent outcomes for patients.

Thank you to the Gero family for their gift and many years of devoted service to St. Joseph Healthcare’s mission of providing healing and care for the whole person, in
service to all.

(207) 907-1000