Food Assistance Grant Offers Compassion

Cornerstone News

Thanks to a $25,000 grant from the John T. Gorman Foundation, St. Joseph Hospital will screen all patients for food insecurity and will provide 10 frozen meals to 468 food-insecure adults with chronic illness over 12 months, or approximately 39 people per month. Meals will be distributed as part of the patient discharge process.

According to Jessica Taylor, clinical director of Care Management, “Receiving the John T. Gorman Grant allows us to further our Mission and lend a healing presence to our community. Providing a warm meal to someone recently discharged is not just about nutrition and recovery. It is an example of our compassion for our patients and their families. Regardless of Income, any patient who needs a meal will be provided with one when discharged. The meals are frozen and include heart-healthy, diabetic-friendly, vegan and gluten free options.”

Read more from our 2022 Foundation Annual Report.



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